
A little more about little old me 

I grew up on the beautiful Gulf Coast, and I’ve been an avid reader my entire life. After finishing my bachelor’s degree (Go Gators!), I decided I had to see more of the world, and I moved to Israel, where I lived for almost a decade. I spent my time there earning a master’s degree in political science, working in academia and social change organizations, and eating  an inordinate amount of hummus. 

Since moving to the San Francisco Bay Area a decade ago, I’ve worked at a number of hardware and software startups in all sorts of roles, ranging from sales operations and business development on into product development and herding (technical) cool cats. The pandemic gave me plenty of time–and reason–to want to escape reality and I did so partly by diving into romance novels.

Figuring that the world can be a pretty rough place sometimes, I set out to add some positive energy to it by writing Ship It, a fun, realistic love story set in a Silicon Valley high-tech startup.  So many readers were curious to know the rest of Sarah and Nathan’s story that I set out to discover it myself. Pitch It, my November 2023 release, is the culmination of that journey.

I always have some project in the works, so look for more—something different—come 2024. 

Follow me on TikTok, Instagram, Facebook, or Twitter for insights on my writing and publishing process and updates on future works.

Check out recent interviews I’ve done . . .

You Read it Here First

Time to Feed My Reads

“Romance Pitch” with Eri Nelson